DO 103, s. 1989 – Adoption of Economy Measures
November 6, 1989
DO 103, s. 1989
Adoption of Economy Measures

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Cultural Agency Directors
Chiefs of Services and Heads of Units/Centers
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators
Secondary School Principals
Others Concerned

  1. Inclosed for the information and guidance of all concerned is National Budget Circular No. 411 dated September 18, 1989, Directing the Adoption of Economy Measures and the Imposition of Reserves for CY 1989.
  2. In line with paragraph 3.0 thereof, the following economy measures shall be adopted:
    1. Attendance in conventions, seminars, workshops and similar activities conducted by private groups shall be minimized;
    2. Training programs shall be limited to the most essential ones;
    3. Contributions and other similarly non-essential expenses shall be eliminated;
    4. Unnecessary, redundant and duplicative publications shall be eliminated;
    5. Meetings in expensive hotels and restaurants shall be avoided;
    6. Foreign and domestic travels shall be held to a minimum;
    7. Purchases and usages of materials and supplies shall be properly controlled; and
    8. Transactions between the Regional and Central Offices shall be programmed carefully so as to cut down unnecessary costs due to travel and related expenses.
  3. The implementation of this Order should be closely monitored by all heads of agencies and offices/units. A report shall be submitted to the immediate superior office, e.g. the bureau or regional director submits his report to the Secretary, the schools superintendent to the regional director, the president of a state college or university to the board of regents/trustees, etc.
  4. Strict compliance with this Order is desired.


Incl.: As stated
Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2 -3–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual – Index under the following subjects:
