DO 16, s. 1990 – Involvement of DECS Personnel in the 1990 Census on Population and Housing

March 14, 1990
DO 16, s. 1990
Involvement of DECS Personnel in the 1990 Census on Population and Housing

To: Regional Directors
School Superintendents

  1. A Census of Population and Housing (CPH) will be conducted on May 1, 1990 by virtue of Commonwealth Act 591, which authorizes the National Statistics Office (NSO), “to prepare for and undertake all censuses of population, agriculture, industry and commerce”, and Batas Pambansa Blg. 72, which provides for the taking of an integrated census every ten (10) years beginning in 1980.
  2. The general objective of the 1990 CPH is to provide government planners, policy makers and administrators with date on which to base their social and economic development plans and programs.
    The specific objectives are as follows:

    1. To obtain a complete count of the population, its size, composition and distribution in the Philippines;
    2. To take stock of the housing units or living quarters existing in the country; and
    3. To get information about their geographic location, structural characteristics, available facilities and other household characteristics.
  3. Section 4 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 72 provides that the division superintendents of schools shall be the vice chairman of the Provincial Census Board, the city superintendent of schools shall be the vice chairman of the City Census Boars and the district supervisor shall be one of the members of the Municipal Census Board.
  4. In this connection, each regional director is requested to issue a memorandum to the division superintendents of schools regarding the involvement of DECS personnel in the 1990 CPH with the following terms and conditions to consider.
    1. That the division superintendents of schools shall designated the district supervisors as census area supervisors in all areas with or without municipal census officers/assistants; the principals and head teachers (or next in rank) as assistant census area supervisors and/or team supervisors; and classroom teachers as enumerators.
      Attached is the NSO list of areas where census area supervisors are needed and a list of the number of enumerators needed for each municipality/city. In cases where additional enumerators are required, the provincial census officer of NSO will communicate with the respective division superintendents of schools;
    2. That the census area supervisor(s) in a city/municipality shall be selected by the respective division superintendents of schools, in consultation with the provincial census officer of NSO in the area using the following guidelines: preferably a resident of or assigned in the city/municipality, preferably not more than 50 years of age and physically fit, from among the district supervisors not later than March 1, 1990.
    3. That in the absence of a district supervisor in a city/municipality, the next in rank DECS personnel shall be designated as census area supervisor in that city/municipality.
    4. That the assistant census area supervisor (CAS) and/or team supervisors (TS) shall be drawn from among the principals and head teachers and the enumerators shall be selected from among the classroom teachers having the following qualifications: preferably a resident of or assigned in the municipality or barangay, preferably not more than 45 years of age, physically fit and able to speak the local dialect; and the selection of such shall be done by the division superintendent of schools upon recommendation of the district supervisor in the area;
    5. That in case the number of teachers available for enumeration work in a city/municipality does not fill the required number, NSO, through the provincial census officer, shall consider and recruit for enumeration work non-teaching personnel of DECS, other government personnel, other individuals, in that order of priority, provided that they meet the qualifications specified in section d;
    6. That the assignment of school personnel to act as enumerators shall be the responsibility of the regional and/or provincial census officers of the NSO in their respective jurisdiction;
    7. That the training of the census area supervisors and assistant census area supervisors shall take place from April 16 to 21, 1990; and training of the team supervisors and teacher enumerators for the census shall be from April 25 to May 2, 1990.
  5. The selection of the assistant area supervisors/team supervisors shall be done by the census area supervisors before the training of enumerators for the census work following the guidelines set by the NSO;
  6. The concerned DECS personnel shall undertake the field work for the census starting on May 5, 1990, until the completion of their work in their assigned area but not to extend beyond June 1, 1990, unless otherwise justified as per evaluation of their immediate supervisor in the census work;
  7. Any census area supervisor, assistant area supervisor, team supervisor or enumerator found to be negligent or who has committed misconduct in the performance to his duty as such shall be dealt with appropriate administrative action to be jointly set by the DECS and NSO;
  8. For their satisfactory participation in the census, the DECS personnel shall be paid by the NSO an honorarium proportional to the number of days rendered for enumeration but not to exceed one thousand six hundred pesos (P1,600.00) for census area supervisors, one thousand three hundred pesos (P1,300) for assistant area supervisor and/or team supervisors and one thousand pesos (P1,000) for enumerators;
  9. With respect to travelling expenses the DECS personnel who will be hired and will act as census area supervisors, assistant area supervisors, team supervisors and enumerators shall be entitled to actual and necessary expenses for ordinary public transportation to and from the provincial training center during the training, per diem at the rates prescribed by the Joint MBM-MOA General Circular No. 86-1 for those whose official school station is outside the city/municipality where the training will be held and reimbursement of actual and reasonable transportation expenses incurred during enumeration; all of the above-stated traveling expenses shall be paid by the NSO, upon completion of actual census work;
  10. Since the District Supervisors, principals and head teachers are on a vacation leave basis, they shall be on official time only for each day of actual service rendered including training as Census Area Supervisor, Assistant CAS, or Team Supervisor while the teachers shall receive one day service credit for each day of actual service rendered including training as Census Enumerator as certified by the NSO.
  11. Provision of Section 699. Revised Administrative Code shall apply to any census supervisor or enumerator who dies or suffers illness while employed as such, who shall be paid the corresponding death, injury or sickness benefits by the National Statistical Office, if upon determination by the proper authority, her/his next of kin is deemed entitled to receive such benefits pursuant to the provisions of the above-mentioned law.
  12. It is desired that this Order be given preferential attention and disseminated to all concerned for their information and guidance.

Incl.: As stated
References: BPS Memorandum: No. 1, s. 1970
Department Memorandum: No. 26, s. 1975
Allotment: 1-2-3–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
