DO 63, s. 1990 – Rules and Regulations Governing the Grant of Step Increments to Deserving Officials and Employees of the Government

June 11, 1990
DO 63, s. 1990
Rules and Regulations Governing the Grant of Step Increments to Deserving Officials and Employees of the Government

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors/Cultural Agency Directors
Directors of Services and Heads of Centers/Units
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. Inclosed is a copy of Joint Civil Service Commission and Department of Budget and Management Circular No. 1, s. 1990, prescribing the rules and regulations governing the grant of step increments to deserving officials and employees.
  2. Conformably thereto, regional directors, schools division superintendents and vocational schools superintendents are hereby directed to notify the officials, teachers and employees under their respective offices/schools of whose appointments are delegated to them, through a Notice of Step Increment (Annex C of the said joint circular). They shall also submit direct to the Civil Service Commission and the Department of Budget and Management the reports desired therein (Annexes D and E of the said joint circular), copies of which should be furnished this Office.
  3. To implement the grant of step increments based on merit each school division, vocational school under a superintendent and regional office shall create a Merit Increase Committee in their respective schools/offices that shall screen and evaluate candidates recommended for such merit increase. The Committee shall be composed, as follows:
    1. In the Regional Office
      1. Director III (Asst. Reg. Director) – Chairman
      2. Administrative Officer – Member
      3. Personnel Officer – Member
      4. Chief, Elem. Educ. Division – Member
      5. Chief, Sec. Educ. Division – Member
    2. In the School Division
      1. Asst. Schools Div. Supt. – Chairman
      2. Administrative Officer – Member
      3. Three (3) Division Supervisors – Members
    3. In the Vocational Schools (headed by a superintendent)
      1. Secondary School Principal – Chairman
      2. Administrative Officer – Member
      3. Two (2) Head Teachers – Member
  4. Likewise, a Merit Increase Committee is hereby created to screen and evaluate recommendations for merit increase of officials and employees in the DECS Central Office and the attached agencies, and assistant superintendents and superintendents. The Committee shall be composed, as follows:
    1. Mr. Marcial A. Salvatierra (Assistant Secretary, HRDS) – Chairman
    2. Dr. Marcelina M. Miguel (Director III, BEE) – Member
    3. Dr. Avelina Llagas (Director III, BSE) – Member
    4. Mr. Benjamin G. Etrata (Chief, Personnel Division) – Member
    5. Mr. George R. Garma (Chief, Employees Welfare and Benefits Division – Member
  5. Presidents of state colleges and universities shall implement the grant of step increments to officials and employees in their respective schools.
  6. Particular attention is invited to the funding source for the implementation of the step increments prescribed under the joint circular as provided for in Section 10 thereof.
  7. Please be guided accordingly.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2-3—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
