DO 22, s. 1991 – Upgrading the Two-Year Associate in Marine Engineering to a Four-Year Course Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering and the Curricular Modifications of BS Marine Transportation

March 5, 1991
DO 22, s. 1991
Upgrading the Two-Year Associate in Marine Engineering to a Four-Year Course Leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering and the Curricular Modifications of BS Marine Transportation
To:    Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
1.   In response to the dynamic technological advancement in the field of maritime industry and the requirements in the International Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention 1978, The Department of Education, Culture and Sports in consultation with the Technical Panel and Technical Committees for Maritime Education, is upgrading the two-year Associate in Marine Engineering, into a ladderized four-year course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering (BSMarE) effective school year 1991-1992. Likewise, the curriculum of the Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT) has been modified and enriched as equated with the curricular structure of the Marine Engineering course.
2.   In line with this, all schools offering the Associate in Marine Engineering Course which desire to offer the Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering shall file their applications at the regional offices with all the usual supporting documents not later than April 15, 1991. Schools previously granted permit for BSMT major in Marine Engineering shall make the necessary adjustments in accordance with the minimum standards requirements for Bachelor of Science Marine Engineering (BSMarE).
3.   Similarly, applications for the curriculum enrichment of the BSMT effective school year 1991-1992 shall be forwarded to the Bureau of Higher Education (BHE) through the regional offices for approval.
4.   Inclosed herewith are the guidelines for the gradual phasing out of the AME courses and the curricular requirements of B.S. in Marine Transportation and B.S. in Marine Engineering.
5.   Compliance with, and wide dissemination of this Order are desired.
                                                                                                                    ( SGD. ) ISIDRO D. CARINO
Incl. :
As stated
DECS Order : (No. 43, s. 1989)
DECS Memorandum:  No. 111, s. 1987Allotment:          1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: