DO 40, s. 1991 – Reorganization of the DECS-FAAP Coordinating Committee on Accreditation

April 8, 1991
DO 40, s. 1991
Reorganization of the DECS-FAAP Coordinating Committee on Accreditation
To:   Bureau Directors
Regional directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
1.   In line with the implementation of DECS Order No. 32, s. 1987, the DECS-FEEP Coordinating Committee on Accreditation is reorganized with the following members:
Undersecretary (to be designated by the Secretary)            –              Chairman
Director, Bureau of Higher Education                                      –              Vice-Chairman
Director, Bureau of Secondary Education                              –              Member
Director, Bureau of Elementary Education                             –              Member
President, FAAP                                                                          –              Member
Two representatives from the other founding
Accrediting agency members                                                   –              Member
2.   The founding agency members of FAAP include the Association of Christian Schools and Colleges Accrediting Agency (ACSC-AA), Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools,  Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) and the Philippines Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACU-COA).
3.   The Committee shall be responsible for a) planning and coordinating accreditation activities involving DECS and FAAP; and b) evaluating and recommending projects, programs and budget in support of voluntary accreditation and deregulation purpose to the DECS Secretary for approval.
4.   This Order rescinds DECS Order No. 17, s. 1987.

5.   Immediate dissemination of this Order is desired.

                                                                    (SDG.) EDNA F. FORMILLEZA
DECS Orders: (Nos. 17 and 32, s. 1987)
Allotment; 1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)


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