DO 48, s. 1991 – Amendment to DECS Order No. 99, s. 1990 (Membership in the National Committee for Liaison with SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Matters)

May 17, 1991
DO 48, s. 1991
Amendment to DECS Order No. 99, s. 1990 (Membership in the National Committee for Liaison with SEAMEO Regional Language Centre Matters)

To:    Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State College and Universities

Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents / Administrators
1.   In view of the exigencies of the service, the composition of the National Committee for Liaison with SEAMEO Regional Language Centre ( RELC ) in the Philippines as provided for in paragraph 1 of DECS Order No. 99, s. 1990 is hereby amended as follows:
Mrs. Namnama P. Hidalgo, Librarian, College of Education, U.P. Diliman, Quezon City, in lieu of Mrs. Perla T. Garcia, Member for Library and Information Center
Mrs. Lourdes C. Ilagan, Senior Education Programme Specialist, BSE, Exec. Secretary and Coordinator.
  2.   This Order shall take effect immediately.
                                                          ( SGD. ) ISIDRO D. CARIÑO
DECS order: ( No. 99, s. 1990 )


Allotment:    1-2-3-4– ( M.O. 1-87 )
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: