DO 76, s. 1991 – Corrigedum to DECS Order No. 29, s. 1988 (Operationalizing the National Center for Technical Education and Staff Development (ADB-DECS) Project Loan Number 531 PHI)
July 1, 1991
DO 76, s. 1991
Corrigedum to DECS Order No. 29, s. 1988 (Operationalizing the National Center for Technical Education and Staff Development (ADB-DECS) Project Loan Number 531 PHI)
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Presidents/Superintendents of Technician
Education Institutes (TEIs)
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Presidents/Superintendents of Technician
Education Institutes (TEIs)
1. Pursuant to the Department’s thrust in providing a long-term mechanism to systematize and improve the in-service training of teachers and staff of technical and vocational institutions, the National Center for Technical Education and Staff Development (NCTESD) which was established under the Technical and Vocational Education Project (TVEP), was deemed operationalized under DECS Order No. 29, s. 1988. The structure and nature of the Center was specified in the aforementioned DECS Order. Observation of the operations of the National Center since it was established shows the need to strengthen the existing structures and mechanisms of the National Center to meet emerging needs.
2. In view of the legalization of the status of the National Center, Paragraph 2, line 2 of DECS Order No. 29, s. 1988, referring to the policy-making body of the Center, shall be revised to read as follows:
The Governing Board shall be chaired by the DECS Secretary of his duly designated representative. The members of the Board shall be the following:
a. Director, Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education (BTVE);
b. Executive Director/Deputy Director, Educational Development Projects Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF);
c. Representative of the professional technical education organizations;
d. Representative of the professional industrial organizations working with technical and vocational education; and
e. Representative of the industrial employment sector.
The Executive Director of the NCTESD shall be an Ex-Officio member of the Board. He will serve as the Board Secretary.
Each member shall serve for a term of three years, renewable for one additional term, or a total of six (6) years.
3. Paragraph 3, line 8, referring to the Organizational Chart, shall be revised to show a solid line from the box representing the (Advisory) Governing Board to the Executive Director. The box representing the Assistant Executive Director shall be deleted. (Organizational Chart inclosed.)
4. The mandate of the National Center for Technical Education and Staff Development in teacher in-service education is hereby reiterated, with the following as the specific objectives of its Board:
a. Developing medium to long-term goals and plans within the national framework for staff development;
b. Reviewing and determining the needs of the community in education and training of middle level technical and vocational manpower within the national context;
c. Planning and programming of developmental projects to meet the needs of Technical Education Institutes and Schools of Arts and Trades (TEI/SAT) in accordance with the Macro Plan;
d. Establishing and strengthening linkages and collaborations with regard to in-service teacher education;
e. Providing guidance, leadership and governance to overall Center operations;
f. Obtaining support from government and non-government sectors as well as from international institutions for the varicose programs and projects of the Center in the field of technical and vocational teacher education; and
g. Carrying out related activities that may be deemed necessary in attaining the objectives and goals of the National Center.
5. Any issuances contrary to the provisions of this Order are hereby rescinded.
6. This Order shall take effect immediately.
Incd.: As stated
Reference: DECS Order: (No. 29, s. 1988)
Allotment: 1-3—(M.O. 1-87)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects