January 20, 1992 – DO 7, s. 1992 – PMO/NRDP Study Grantees to Enroll In DECS-Supervised and/or State Colleges and Universities

January 20, 1992
DO 7, s. 1992
PMO/NRDP Study Grantees to Enroll In DECS-Supervised and/or State Colleges and Universities

To: Bureau Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Superintendents of Vocational/Trade Schools

  1. In order to ensure proper and effective implementation of regional development plans among which include study grants for rebel returnees, this Office has formulated educational strategies for them to enroll in DECS-supervised SUCs and in priority courses.
  2. Orientation seminars shall be conducted by the regions for the implementation of the program.
  3. Registrars/Admission Officers shall accept rebel returnees in their priority course offerings in line with regional development after the proper entrance examinations have been conducted.
  4. For strict compliance.

Reference: DECS Memorandum: No. 173, s. 1987
Allotment: 1-3— (M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
