June 2, 1995 – DO 35, s. 1995 – Allowing Exceptions to the Prohibition Against the Purchase of Commercial Editions


June 2, 1995
DO 35, s. 1995
Allowing Exceptions to the Prohibition Against the Purchase of Commercial Editions

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
IMDC Administrator
Schools Superintendents

  1. Full implementation of the one-to-one pupil-book ratio in SY 1995-96 has been impeded by problems like the current shortage of paper, budgetary constraints due to cost differentials, and the lack of data on remaining usable textbooks at the schools, among others.
  2. To address anticipated shortfalls in the supply of certain textbooks which may not be included in IMDC’s publishing program for the coming school year, we are allowing exceptions on a case-to-case basis to the prohibition against the purchase of commercial editions (provided by DECS Order No. 64, s. 1993) subject to the following conditions:
    1. The specified government textbook requirements cannot be supplied by IMDC at the school level during the first half of the school year;
    2. The book titles and quantities requested for purchase are based on actual need as seen on current inventory and are approved by the DECS Secretary; and
    3. The reprinters who will supply the commercial editions are duly licensed by IMDC and comply with the production specifications and reprinting rules such as payment of royalty fees and selling at approved prices.
  3. All requests to purchase commercial editions in specific quantities for use over a specific time period should be coursed through IMDC in order to ascertain whether or not the title(s) would be made available within the first five months of the school year. From IMDC, the request would be transmitted to the DECS Secretary for approval.
  4. Reprinters to be authorized by IMDC to supply the quantity of commercial editions approved for purchase will be required to meet set production quality standards and pay the prescribed reprinting fee.
  5. Pertinent provisions of DECS Order No. 64, s. 1993, specifically Section 10 under the heading, “Operating Guidelines”, which may affected by this Order, are hereby amended accordingly.
  6. It is desired that this Order be disseminated for the guidance of all concerned.

DECS Order: (No. 64, s. 1993)
Allotment: 1-2—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
