August 28, 1995 – DO 54, s. 1995 – “War on Waste” or “WOW-DECS” Crusade


August 28, 1995
DO 54, s. 1995
“War on Waste” or “WOW-DECS” Crusade

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Directors of Services/Centers and Heads of Units
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. It is the desire of this Office that a “WAR ON WASTE” or “WOW-DECS” Crusade be launched in all public and private elementary and high schools throughout the country including the laboratory schools of state colleges and universities. The “WOW-DECS” crusade shall be launched on the last Monday of August of each school year and shall continue throughout the school year with activities designed to achieve the objectives of the crusade.
  2. The “WOW-DECS” Crusade shall have the following objectives: (a) to instill in the minds of all pupils and students the values of thrift, economy and prudence in the use of all resources; (b) to make schools the models of “WAR ON WASTE” projects which the communities can emulate; and (c) to contribute to the national efforts for conservation of all resources, both natural and physical.
  3. There shall be a war against waste of time, waste of food, waste of money, waste of light, waste of water, waste of paper, waste of chalk, waste of pencil, waste of school supplies, waste of office supplies, and waste of all other resources.
  4. For this purpose, a “WOW Brigade shall be organized in all elementary and high schools who shall be tasked with ensuring compliance with this Order. The: leader and members of the School “WOW” Brigade shall be given every opportunity to meet with the “WOW” Brigades of other schools in the district so that together they can share and learn from each other’s experiences.
  5. Each school shall submit to the Schools Division Office a program of activities to implement the “WAR ON WASTE” Crusade. The school reports shall be kept at the Schools Division Office but shall be made available for examination by visiting OSEC Officials. The schools superintendent shall submit a certification to the Office of the Secretary (attention: USEC Erlinda C. Pefianco) on or before September 15, 1995 that all schools in the division have submitted their “WAR ON WASTE” Crusade program of activities.
  6. For immediate and strict compliance.

Allotment: 1-2-3-4–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
