DO 7, s. 1996 – 1996 Desk/Armchair Project


January 22, 1996
DO 7, s. 1996
1996 Desk/Armchair Project

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
All Other Concerned

  1. Statement of Policy
    In line with the Department’s desire to provide public elementary and secondary schools with quality school furniture at minimum costs, the following guidelines are hereby issued.
  2. Implementation Groups
    In order to carry out this project effectively and efficiently, the following implementation groups are hereby constituted:
    2.1 Central Office Level
    2.1.1 Pre/Post Qualification, Bids and Awards Committee (DECS Central Office PBAC), with Undersecretary Antonio E.B. Nachura as Chairman and representatives of the Associations of Regional Directors and Schools Superintendents as members. Additional members, as required by law, shall be appointed later by the Secretary upon the recommendation of the Chairman.
    2.2 Regional Level
    Regional Inspection and Acceptance Committee (ROIAC). Either the Chief of the Elementary Education Division, Secondary Education Division or any technically qualified/ranking personnel of the regional office shall sit as Chairman of the Regional Inspection and Acceptance Committee with two (2) representatives of the Schools Superintendent to be designated by the Regional Director upon recommendation of the Schools Superintendent concerned, as members. This Committee shall take charge of the inspection as to quality and quantity and acceptance of desks/armchairs submitted by the winning bidder and approved by this Office in the case of the 80% Central Allocation and by the Regional Office in the case of the 20% Regional Allocation before mass production. Reports on the Inspection and Acceptance shall be submitted to the Contract Management and Monitoring Group within five (5) days from the date of delivery.
  3. Implementation Aspects
    3.1 Scope of the Contract
    The project pertains to the manufacture and door-to-door delivery to pre-determined recipient schools of quality desks/armchairs in accordance with the approved designs, plans and specifications.
    3.2 Allocation of Funds
    The funds for the 1996 Desk Project shall be used solely for the procurement of desks/armchairs and administrative/supervision, to be allocated as follows:
    Central Office — 80%
    Regional Office — 20%
    Bidding for the 20% Regional Allocation shall be conducted at the regional office.
    3.3 Plans, Specifications and Pricing
    3.3.1 Plans and Specifications
    The designs, plans and specifications for each type of desk or armchair are presented in Attachment I. The desks/armchairs shall be manufactured strictly in accordance with Attachment I.
    3.3.2 Pricing
    The DECS Physical Facilities Division shall take charge of determining the estimate of the costs of the desks/armchairs. In this connection, the Secretary may hire a group of technical people and/or engineers to assist the Physical Facilities Division come up with the reasonable pricing of the desks/armchairs and which will partake the nature of an agency estimate to be announced after the bidding.
    3.4 Allocation of Desks/Armchairs
    It shall be the responsibility of the regional directors and schools superintendents to determine the region’s/division’s desks/armchairs requirements. In determining the requirements, the serviceable desks/armchairs inventory vis-à-vis the enrollment should be considered. The list of recipient schools, together with the duly accomplished Requisition and Issue Voucher covering each type of desk/armchair desired should be submitted to the Office of Undersecretary Nachura on or before February 23, 1996.
    3.5 Bidding Procedures
    The DECS Central Office PBAC under paragraph 2.1.1 shall conduct the public bidding for the 80% of the total desks/armchairs requirement of all regions sometime in March 1996. The requirements shall be grouped into different packages considering the delivery points and the types of desks/armchairs classified into: a) all wood; b) wood and steel; c) all steel; d) monoblock; e) all plastic; and f) ecoboard and steel.
    Parties interested to participate in the bidding shall be required to submit to the Chairman, DECS-PBAC, at their own expense, proto-types of the different classifications of desks and arm-chairs wherein they intend to bid for evaluation and subsequent approval by the Secretary before a prospective bidder is allowed to participate in the public bidding. Submission and approval of the proto-type shall not be construed to give the prospective bidder any priority whatsoever in getting the award or exclusive right to manufacture the same. The winning bidders shall likewise be required to submit at least two (2) proto-type desks/armchairs to the Regional Inspection and Acceptance Committee as basis for the committee for the inspection and acceptance of desks/chairs actually delivered.
    3.6 Contracting Parties
    The funds for the 1996 Desks/Armchairs Project shall be released to the DECS Central Office and to the regional offices in accordance with the allocation under paragraph 3.2 hereof. Contracts for the Central Office Allotment shall be entered into by and between the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports and the Manufacturer with the Regional Director concerned signing under the “Recommending Approval” portion.
    For the regional allocation, the Regional Director shall enter into and/or approve the contract with the manufacturer.
    3.7 Contract Completion Record
    The contractor shall be allowed to complete the contract within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days, reckoned from the date of receipt of the Notice to Proceed, or until the last working day of August, 1996.
    3.8 Contract Management and Monitoring Group
    The Secretary, on recommendation of the DECS-PBAC Chairman, shall designate a group of personnel in the Central Office to be called the Contract Management and Monitoring Group. This group shall gather and compile documents, prepare and process Disbursement Vouchers, monitor and asses the status or progress of the project at all levels, both at plant site and delivery site, and act as the Secretariat of the DECS-PBAC.
    The group is likewise tasked to establish a data base on desks/armchairs needs and existing stocks as well as monitor and assess the status of the 1995 desks/armchairs project.
    3.9 Accreditation Group
    The Secretary, on recommendation of the DECS-PBAC Chairman, shall designate a group of Central Office personnel to be called the Accreditation Group. This group shall review and compile the company profile of each prospective bidder, assess their financial and manufacturing capabilities and determine the appropriate classification/category of each prospective bidder. This group shall recommend to the DECS-PBAC Chairman accreditation of qualified prospective bidders.
    3.10 Documents required for payment
    Payment of obligations for the 80% Central Allocation shall be done by the Central Office based on the following documents:

    1. Contract
    2. Report of Inspection and Acceptance
    3. Requisitin and Issue Vouchers
    4. Contractor’s Profile (First Payment)
    5. Delivery Receipt
    6. A copy of Accreditation (First Payment)
    7. Report and Recommendation of the Contract Management and Monitoring Group
    8. Other documents required by accounting and auditing regulations

    3.10.1 Administrative Cost
    All expenses incident to the administration and supervision of this project shall be charged against the allotment for the Desks/Armchairs Project.
    3.10.2 Terms of Payment
    Payment shall be done within five (5) working days on progressive billing as follows:
    1st delivery – 30% of total number of desks/armchairs contracted
    2nd delivery – 30% of total number of desks/armchairs contracted
    3rd delivery – 30% of total number of desks/armchairs contracted
    4th delivery – 10% of total number of desks/armchairs contracted

  4. Effectivity
    This Order shall take effect immediately.
  5. Repealing Clause
    All DECS Memoranda, Orders and other issuances which are inconsistent herewith are hereby amended.

References: DECS Orders: No. 43, s. 1995
Allotment: 1-2-3-—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
