DO 18, s. 1996 – Task Force on Career Pathing


February 27, 1996
DO 18, s. 1996
Task Force on Career Pathing

To: Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Bureau/Center and Service Directors

  1. The development of a career path for DECS personnel, including teachers, administrators and specialists, has been identified as a crucial element in the educational reform program. To facilitate the technical work necessary for the development of a career path, a Task Force on Career Pathing is hereby organized, to be composed of the following:
    Assistant Secretary Ramon C. Bacani – Chairman
    Assistant Secretary Marcial A. Salvatierra – Vice-Chairman
    Assistant Secretary Josefina P.B. Nisperos – Co-Vice-Chairman
    Director Fe Hidalgo – Task Force Coordinator
    Representative of BEE – Member
    Representative of BSE – “
    Representative of BNFE – “
    Representative of BPESS – “
    Chief, Personnel Division – “
    Chief, Management Division – “
    Representative of Regional Directors – “
    Representative of PASS – “
    Representative of PESPA – “
    Representative of PASSA – “
  2. The Task Force shall undertake the following activities, among others:
    1. determine the different career tracks for DECS personnel and the positions in each career track;
    2. determine the core competencies for each level of progression scheme and qualifications requirement for the various positions;
    3. review the Master Teacher concept and its implementation;
    4. review and revise, if necessary, the current classification of school divisions, districts, etc. to take account of complexity and scope of responsibility of field officials; and
    5. prepare an implementation plan for the career progression scheme.
  3. The Task Force may call on other DECS personnel or units and/or organize technical groups to assist in its work. A report to the Secretary shall be submitted within 60 days of the organization of the Task Force.

Allotment; 1-2-3-(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
