June 24, 1998 – DO 57, s. 1998 – Corrigendum to DECS Order No. 47, s. 1998 (Directing a Smooth and Orderly Opening of Classes in Elementary and Secondary Schools on June 1, 1998)
June 24, 1998
DO 57, s. 1998
Corrigendum to DECS Order No. 47, s. 1998 (Directing a Smooth and Orderly Opening of Classes in Elementary and Secondary Schools on June 1, 1998)

To:   Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Service and Center Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
District Supervisors
All Others Concerned

1.    This is to correct Paragraph 1, Item No. 2 of DECS Order No. 47, s. 1998 (regarding full teaching assignments of NFE coordinators) which should read:
“Except the non formal education coordinators who should work on full-time basis, provided that they should perform the duties and responsibilities stated in DECS Order No. 82, s. 1994.”
2.    If the coordinator does not perform his/her job well, he/she can be changed anytime. This is being done to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of the Literacy programs and projects through the literacy Service Contracting Scheme (LSCS).
3.    The non formal education coordinators should submit reports regarding the implementation of literacy programs and projects to the Division Office through the Office of the District Supervisors.
4.    Strict compliance with this Order is directed
                                                                          ERLINDA C. PEFIANCO


References: DECS Orders: (Nos. 82, s. 1994 and 47, s. 1998)
Allotment: 1-3—(D O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
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