February 26, 1999 – DO 18, s. 1999 – Strengthening the DECS Information and Media Network
February 26, 1999
DO 18, s. 1999
Strengthening the DECS Information and Media Network
To:   Regional Directors
Directors of Services/Centers and Heads of Units Schools Division Superintendents
Regional Information Officers
1.   As part of the present thrusts of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), the DECS Institutional Communication Program (DECS-ICP) was developed so as to meet the growing needs and formidable challenges faced by the Department.
2.   To ensure the effective implementation of the DECS-ICP at the local levels, the DECS Central and Regional Information Network need to be strengthened and reactivated.
3.   As part of the efforts to expand the information and communication network, the DECS Media Service Units which were created in accordance to DECS Memorandum No. 94 s. 1993 and DECS Order No. 79 s. 1994 shall be renamed as Regional Public Information and Media Relations Units. They shall be primarily responsible for improving information dissemination, facilitating die coordination between the regional and central offices and managing media related activities in the field office.
4.   In line with this, all Regional Directors are hereby directed to reactivate the Regional Public Information and Media Relations Units in their respective regions to facilitate flow of information, improve coordination and expand linkages with media, government agencies and other non-government organizations. Schools Division Superintendents are, likewise, enjoined to organize their own Public Information and Media Relations Units to assist the regional office in managing media-related activities and expanding information network.
5.   The Fifteen (15) Regional Information Officers who were designated by their respective Regional Directors to attend the Orientation Workshop conducted last February 4 and 5 at the DECS Central Office shall be in-charge of their respective Public Information and Media Relations Units.
6.   All Regional Directors are enjoined to provide necessary assistance and support to the Regional Public Information and Media Relations Officers (PIMRO) in the performance of their tasks and functions.
7.   To facilitate communication and faster flow of information, all Regional Offices are hereby directed to provide their respective Public Information and Media Relations Units access to the Internet and an e-mail account.
8.   The Regional PIMRO shall be tasked to do the following:
  • Network with local media;
  • Identify key tri-media group and personalities;
  • Facilitate the coordination between Regional and Central Offices;
  • Ensure that the local and national press releases are widely used and distributed to the local press;
  • Arrange Media Coverage for the Secretary during the regional visits and brief him on the current political and socio-political issues in the region;
  • Disseminate information regarding the implementation of DECS programs in the local levels;
  • Institute feedback mechanisms on the impact of DECS programs to its clientele;
  • Organize the Division/District/School Information Network in his/her region and
  • Develop a quick response mechanism to address urgent local problems
9.   All Regional PIMROs shall establish linkages with the Philippine News Agency, Philippine Information Agency, Radio ng Bayan radio stations at their respective areas.
10.   All Regional PIMROs shall also submit their regional plan of action and targets to the Office of Undersecretary Victor Andres C. Manhit which will be used as benchmarks to monitor their performance.
11.   The Central Office shall fax news releases (three times a week) and the DECS POST (weekly) and mail the EDUCATION MEWS (monthly) to the Regional PIMROs.
12.   The Regional PIMROs shall be tasked to release these news items to the local media at least twice a week and disseminate this information in their respective areas.
13.   The Regional PIMROs shall also make regular press releases about the pertinent issue affecting the regional and division office which may include special provincial events, local educational programs and projects as well as other outstanding accomplishments of students and teachers in their respective areas.
14.   The Regional PIMROs shall submit a consolidated report to the Office of Undersecretary Manhit quarterly which shall include the activities conducted by the Regional Public Information and Media Relations Unit, status of the implementation of DECS-ICP at the regional and division levels and accomplishment of the information and media units.
15.   Immediate dissemination of this Order is hereby enjoined.

DECS Memorandums: (Nos. 94, s. 1993 and 79, s. 1994 )
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

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