DO 42, s. 2001 – Oplan Lesson Plan: Division and District Meetings

August 14, 2001
DO 42, s. 2001
Oplan Lesson Plan: Division and District Meetings
TO:   Regional Directors & Assistant Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents & Assistant Schools Division Superintendents
Education Chiefs for Elementary and for High School
Schools District Supervisor & School Principals/Heads
1.  The OPLAN  LESSON  PLAN  PROJECT which entails the writing of lesson plans by groups of teachers (either by grade levels or by subject areas) on a regular basis has been presented to and discussed by Education Chiefs for Elementary and High School of the 16 regions last July 26, 2001 at the Garden Plaza Suites in Paco, Manila together with DECS-CO officials.
2.  Briefly, the goals of OPLAN LESSON PLAN are the following: To create groups of teachers who share ideas on a regular basis to discuss, write and critique lesson plans together.
  1. To write lesson plans that  are school-based and relevant to the needs of the students in that province.
  2. To share lesson plans so teachers have more time to create visual aids, enrichment activities and specific activities for needs of different students.
3.  The High School Education Chiefs and the Elementary Education Chiefs shall conduct a whole day meeting to discuss OPLAN LESSON PLAN before Division Superintendents and Division Subject Area Supervisors on a selected day convenient to them before August 31, 2001.
4.  The Division Superintendents and Division Subject Area Supervisors will in turn discuss OPLAN LESSON PLAN before the District Supervisors and the Principals of that district on a selected day before August 31, 2001.
5.  Expenses related to the conduct of these meetings shall be charged to local funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulation.
6.  The High School and Elementary Education Chiefs, the Division Superintendents and the Division Subject Area Supervisors are requested to submit a report of the results of their OPLAN LESSON PLAN MEETINGS: participants, issues raised, comments and reactions, etc.. and send it to the Office of the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects immediately after the meetings.


Undersecretary for Programs & Projects
DECS Memoranda: Nos. 223 and 231, s. 2001
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)
To be Indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: