DO 15, s. 2002 – Advance Payment of One-Half (1/2) of Year End-bonus and Cash Gift for Year 2002

April 25, 2002
DO 15, s. 2002
Advance Payment of One-Half (1/2) of Year End-bonus and Cash Gift for Year 2002
To : Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Service/Center Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents

1.  Pursuant to the provisions of DBM Budget Circular No. 2000-18 dated September 6, 2000, advance payment of one-half of the year-end bonus and cash gift to qualified officials and employees of this Department is hereby authorized.
2.  The bonus shall be equivalent to one-half (1/2) of the basic monthly salaries/daily wages of the employees, exclusive of allowances and other forms of compensation usually paid in addition to their basic pay and one-half (1/2) of the Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) cash gift.
3.  To facilitate the granting of said benefits, particularly to teachers and non­teaching personnel in the regional/field offices, the payment of such shall be made by the Offices concerned (Central, Regional, Division, Schools) which shall not be earlier than May 1, 2002 but not later than May 31,2002.
4.  In this connection, the Payroll Services Division, this Department, shall prepare the necessary master list of teaching and non-teaching personnel being serviced by the said Office to be furnished the respective regional offices as basis of the latter in effecting the payment of the benefits herein referred to.
5.  Regional Directors are likewise enjoined to closely coordinate with their DBM counterparts to ensure the early release of the cash allocations for the purpose.
6.  Wide dissemination of this Order is desired.


DepEd Order: No. 20, s. 2001

Allotment: 1—(D O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:

