DO 47, s. 2005 – Reiterating the Guidelines on Conservation of Energy

August 17, 2005
DO 47, s. 2005
Reiterating the Guidelines on Conservation of Energy

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Regional Directors
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Schools Division/City Superintendents

  1. This reiterates the guidelines on conservation of energy stated in DepED Order No. 61, s. 2004, “Adoption of Austerity Measures Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 103”.
  2. The energy saving measures are as follows:
    1. Air-conditioning units in all offices may be opened after 8:30 a.m. and must be turned off during the 12:00 nn-1:00 p.m. lunch break and after 5:00 p.m. For approved overtime services rendered during Saturday, the use of air-conditioning units is allowed only from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 nn; and
    2. Lights shall be turned off whenever an office is vacant and during lunch break.
  3. Heads of offices shall ensure that the operation of air-conditioning units and the use of lights in their offices conform to these guidelines.
  4. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Order is directed.

DepED Order (No. 61, s. 2004)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
