DO 60, s. 2005 – Implementation of the institutional Capacity Building Project (ICBP) for Schools first Initiatives (SF1)
November 11, 2005
DO 60, s. 2005
Implementation of the institutional Capacity Building Project (ICBP) for Schools first Initiatives (SF1)
To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Directors of Services/Centers and Heads of Units
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads of Offices
Others Concerned
- To support the goals and aspirations of the Schools First Initiative (SFI) this Department will implement the Institutional Capacity Building (ICB) Project supported by TEEP’s School Improvement and Innovation Fund, National Window-Supply Side Financing. It will cover areas not yet supported by TEEP, SEDIP and BEAM.
- This Project aims to raise participation, completion and achievement of pupils in the target public elementary schools by:
- enabling selected schools to formulate, implement and monitor School Improvement Plans (SIPs);
- enabling all schools divisions to formulate, implement and monitor Division Basic Education Improvement Plans that fully support the SIPs, as well as to undertake efforts that will deliver higher division-wide learning outcomes by strengthening the regional and division BEIS;
- capacitating other levels of the DepED hierarchy (central and regional offices) to enable them to provide the environment supportive of the SIPs and the Division Basic Education improvement Plans; and
- advocating among LGUs, NGOs and other education stakeholders on the SIPs.
- Undersecretary Ramon C. Bacani shall oversee the Project operations. To implement this project, the Project Management Team (PMT) consisting of the following is created:
Project Director: Assistant Secretary Lilia R. Roces
Project Manager: Milagros T. Talinio, Planning & Programming Division
Assistant Project Managers: Psyche Vetta G. Olayvar, Proj. Dev’t & Evaluation Division
Cum Account Managers: Ester T. Dijamco, Research & Statistics Division
Coordinators: Abram Abanil, RSD for Policy Module
Mary Jane W. Bautista, PPD for Strategic Planning Module
Miriam A. Coprado for Sector Monitoring & Evaluation Module
Administrative Support: Ruby G. Aquino, PPD
Elmer B. Baruno, PPD - Additional members of the PMT (e.g. technical support staff, Project Accountant, Special Disbursing Officer, Trainors) will be identified within cooperating bureaus, services and other offices to participate in the different project components and to ensure project completion by June 2006.
- The PMT is authorized to conduct workshops, to organize task teams, to travel to/from regions and divisions that will become project sites, to purchase additional office equipment and supplies to coordinate and to facilitate project operation and to receive or pay honoraria subject to accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
- ICB-SFI will closely relate with the SFI-Basic Education Sector Agenda (BESA) currently being prepared. Expectedly, a lot of harmonization and collaboration will transpire between BESA-TCT and the PMT-OPS, and the different groups on Teacher Education Development Project (TEDP), ECARP, NEPP, NEAP-SMILE, BEAM, SEDIP and others.
- The PMT will be officially based at the OPS-PPD, 2nd Floor Rizal II Bldg., with contact nos. (632) 633-7216, (632) 632-1361, locals 2050, 2051, 2214, fax no. (632) 638-8634.
- Wide dissemination of this Order is enjoined.
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 60-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: