January 9, 2009
DO 1, s. 2009
Submission of the Priority Lists of Recipient Schools to be Funded Under the CY 2009 DepEd School Building Program for Areas Experiencing Acute Classroom Shortage (Red And Black Schools)
To: DepED ARMM Regional Secretary
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Regional/Division Physical Facilities Coordinators
All Others Concerned
- The appropriations for the CY 2009 Red and Black School Building Program for areas experiencing acute classroom shortage will be utilized to address the classroom requirements of schools belonging to the priority red and black color coded schools of the Basic Education Information System (BEIS). Computation for the prioritization on funding allocation per legislative district (or per schools division) was based on 1:45 Double Shift classrooms-student ratio.
- This year’s school building project is part of the pump-priming program of the government in which immediate project implementation is imperative. The Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) shall only be released prior to contract award. Thus, procurement can commence even without the release of the SARO. Since this is a foreign-assisted project following World Bank procurement guidelines, posting of invitation to Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PHILGEPS) is not mandatory.
- In preparing the final list of priority schools, please take note of the long list of red and black schools drawn from the updated Instructional Rooms Analysis of the BEIS (SY 2008-2009), the budgetary ceiling for each region, and the regionalized costing for the different project components (Annex “B”). The guidelines on the identification of recipient schools under this program are enclosed in Annex “A”. Individual allocation list per Legislative District/Schools Division shall be provided by the Regional Office through the Regional Physical Facilities Coordinator (RPFC) or by the Physical Facilities and Schools’ Engineering Division (PFSED) of the Central Office.
- In preparing the allocation list, PFSED shall draw up the initial priority list from BEIS data and forward the same to the Division Physical Facilities Coordinator (DPFC) for validation of the proposed school recipients and final approval by the Schools Division Superintendent. Allocation for both elementary and high school shall not exceed the budgetary ceiling of the legislative district/schools division.
- The Schools Division Superintendents shall be responsible for ensuring that the Congressional Representatives of their respective Divisions are informed of the list of priority schools to be recipients of this program. Enclosed in Annex “C” is the Pro-forma information letter to the Representatives.
- The priority lists of schools shall be submitted by the Division Offices to the PFSED Office at 4th Floor Bonifacio Bldg., DepED Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City with telefax no. (02) 633-7263/638-4108/638-7110 and e-mail address at pfsed_010305@vahoo.com, following the format in Annex “D” not later than January 14, 2009. Copies of the priority lists shall be furnished the Regional Offices.
- For those divisions which will not be able to comply with the deadline set in Item 6, the PFSED shall prepare the final list.
- To ensure that the school buildings can be used at the start of School Year 2009-2010, President Arroyo instructed the Department to frontload the construction of school buildings during the long summer vacation period. Thus, procurement shall immediately commence right after the orientation-seminar workshops scheduled in Annex “E”.
- Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.
Encls.: As stated
Reference: DepED Order; No. 10, s. 2008 Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: