May 11, 2010
DO 44, s. 2010
Adoption of the KRT 3: Quality Assurance and Accountability Framework (QAAF)
  1. In 2006, the Department of Education (DepEd) launched the Basic Education Social Reform Agenda (BESRA), a package of policy reform thrusts to accelerate the attainment of the Education for All (EFA) goal: functional literacy for all Filipinos by year 2015.
  2. The BESRA Key Reform Thrusts (KRTs) are as follows:
KRT 1 : Continuous school improvement facilitated by School-Based Management (SBM);
KRT 2 : Better learning outcomes achieved by improved teaching standards using the National Competency Based Teaching Standards (NCBTS);
KRT 3 : Desired learning outcomes enhanced by national learning strategies multi­sector coordination, and quality assurance;
KRT 4 : Improved impact on outcomes resulting from complementary Enhanced Child Education (ECE), Alternative Learning System (ALS) and private sector participation; and
KRT 5 : Institutional culture change in DepEd to facilitate school initiatives and assure quality of education.
  1. To implement KRT 3, BESRA through the Technical Working Group-Quality Assurance and Accountability/Monitoring and Evaluation (TWG-QAA/M&E crafted the Quality Assurance and Accountability Framework (QAAF) which was approved by the EXECOM in September 2008. This move paved the way of the installation of the Quality Management System (QMS) in the Department to ensure delivery of quality basic education. It is a system of processes and tools to be applied so that the desired knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of the students can be attained at some expected level. Furthermore, it is a system that requires coordinated and shared responsibility of the various levels of governance of the Department and all other stakeholders of basic schooling to deliberately bring about quality education. Enclosure No. 1 contains the details on QAAF and QMS.
  2. The establishment of QMS in the Department is in line with Administrative Order No. 161, “Institutionalizing Quality Management System in Governance”, (Enclosure No. 2 amended through Executive Order No. 605, “Institutionalizing the Structure, Mechanisms and Standards to Implement the Government Quality Management Program” (Enclosure No. 3. Said Orders direct all government agencies and government-owned and/or controlled corporations to implement and institutionalize a national quality management system as a strategy to promote transparency and accountability in governance, provide a framework for assessing quality system performance, establish public service quality standards and recognize quality excellence among the government organizations.
  3. Currently, the Department through the TWG-QAA/M&E is in the process of institutionalizing the QMS using the Modeling Approach, which will provide Department critical inputs and experiences in substantiating details of the QAAF and QMS.
  4. All concerned are advised to anchor all quality assurance and quality management initiatives to the approved QAAF.
  5. Wide and immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.
Mona D. Valisno