March 8, 2013 DO 13, s. 2013 – Reiterating the Observance of the Fire Prevention Month Through the Continuing Fire Safety and Awareness Program (FSAP)

March 8, 2013
DO 13, s. 2013
Reiterating the Observance of the Fire Prevention Month Through the Continuing Fire Safety and Awareness Program (FSAP)

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division / City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned

  1. The month of March each year is proclaimed as the Fire Prevention Month. The Department of Education (DepEd) reiterates to all concerned to give priority attention to fire safety through the Continuing Fire Safety and Awareness Program (FSAP) launched in school through DepEd Order No. 72, s. 2012 which promotes awareness of fire safety and the importance of prevention and preparedness among school officials, personnel and staff, and pupils/students nationwide.
  2. In view of the violations reported by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) committed by schools which contribute to the increasing fire incidences, both public and private schools nationwide are hereby directed to correct/validate these findings and initiate further fire safety measures. Aside from the safety prevention measures under the continuing FSAP in schools contained in the enclosure of DepEd Order No. 72, s. 2012 and DepEd Memorandum No. 131, s. 2010, all principals and school heads are directed to:
    1. conduct fire safety inspection and corrective actions by giving priority consideration to proper housekeeping and regular checking of electrical wiring and appliances;
    2. attend fire safety education and training in coordination with the BFP in the locality;
    3. ensure availability and functionality of fire safety equipment, fire alarm activation procedure, and public address system;
    4. conduct quarterly fire and evacuation drills; and
    5. implement the Kiddie/Junior Fire Marshall in coordination with the Local Government Unit through the BFP contained in a Joint Memorandum Circular by and between DepEd and Department of the Interior and Local Government.
  3. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

DepEd Order No.: (72, s. 2012)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
