Regional Development Council VIII enjoins members to fully support SHS implementation

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Palo, Leyte, Eastern Visayas – “We hope that this resolution will result to a stronger commitment and support from other concerned institutions and fast track the construction of needed classrooms and hiring of teachers in time for the full implementation of the K to 12 or Senior High School Program next year.” Regional Director Bonifacio Uy, Head of the RDC VIII secretariat and NEDA Director asserted in his message.

The Regional Development Council Eastern Visayas issued Resolution No. 26, s. 2015 enjoining the RDC VIII members to support the Senior High School Program implementation in Region VIII and requesting for immediate construction of needed classrooms and hiring of teachers.

The RDC recognizes the necessity of implementing the K to 12 Curriculum as mandated by virtue of R.A. No. 10533 otherwise known as “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”.

The resolution unscored the relevance of shifting to 12 years of basic education and how it will make the country at par with the rest of the world resulting to a solid basic foundation to the country’s graduates and a bigger chance of becoming regionally and globally competitive leading to greater employment opportunities and reduced poverty.

DepEd has been keen on providing the basic needs of the schools before the full implementation of the Senior High School next school year. “We need to strengthen our linkages with our partner agencies as they are also play a crucial role in the success of the implementation of this program”, Dir. Yu said.

With the intense support from the Regional Development Council of Eastern Visayas and other stakeholders, DepEd is assured of the success of the K to 12 and Senior High School Program implementation.