No other option but Excellence!

September 27, 2016

I believe that LIFE is a trial laden, journey. But God made us for a purpose, a mission, that every milestone leads to some grand finale more spectacular than our imaginations could ever conceive-full of significance that we could truly connect to in life. Sometimes it’s hard to accept that our pain is exactly what could lead us to our very own purpose in life.”

Mr. Milaner R. Oyo-a, one of the front-ranked principal, uttered these words when I interviewed him last 25th of August 2016. When I was conducting the interview with him, it’s like I was listening to a priest who shared his thoughts of wisdom. Reverting the past, he used to be a Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) student, with a field of specialization in Physics and Chemistry at Northwest Samar State University which is formerly known as TTMIST. In addition to that, he was one of the scholars of DOST/DEPED UP NISMED for teaching Biology at University of Eastern Philippines and finished it with proficiency award. Moreover, he completed his Master’s degree at Northwest Samar State University with a specific field of study in Education, Major in Administration and Supervision and currently pursuing Master in Science Teaching Major in General Science at Northwest Samar State University.

In accordance to his teaching career, he is one of a kind, in fact he became the Regional Champion in Science Intervention Material for 3 consecutive years which lead him to become the Regional Coordinator for SIM. Then, it gave him the reason to become the National Champion for Teacher category in Science Investigatory Project held at Tabacco, Albay.

In today’s competitive culture, we are taught to never give up and never give in – so we don’t hear much about surrendering. If winning is everything, surrendering is unthinkable. We would rather talk about winning, succeeding, overcoming and conquering from yielding, submitting, obeying and surrendering. But surrendering to God is the heart of success.”

Teacher Milaner Oyo-a imparted that life has full of boundless possibilities, that in pursuing success we often face obstacles which requires us to forfeit physical and emotional comfort in the service of something that matters more.

“I was so thankful! I gave God all the Honor,” he mentioned when he heard that he was awarded by the Eastern Visayas as the Regional Most Outstanding Teacher with a rating of 97.15% being the highest among the rank of Regional Awardees during the 40th Founding Anniversary of Deped Regional Office VIII last July 8, 2015 at RELC-NEAP, DepED Complex, Candahug,  Palo Leyte.

“Dreams and goals are accomplished when you have the determination to aim for them, work your hardest and do your best.”
According to Teacher Milaner, we cannot reach our full potential unless we have our will to do our very best at all times to work past the many difficulties that will arise along life’s path. Being determined gives us strength to push ourselves. Even when we don’t want to, just know that we should give the extra push to the right direction to get where we want to.

As a result of his strong determination, he made remarkable achievements in his life. He was even one of the Pioneering Oral Research Presenter in the 1st Regional Research Conference  on September 16-17, 2014, DepEd RELC NEAP VIII, Candahug Palo, Leyte with research titled “Intelligence Type, Learning Style, and Notion of the Beginners and Advanced Fisherigians: Their Relation to TVE Performance”. As a result of his determination in his profession, it lead him into the Most Outstanding Master Teacher in Calbayog City Division.

After teaching for more than a decade he was promoted as a Senior Education Program Specialist for Planning and Research from June 15, 2015 to June 30, 2016. In a year of service as Specialist for Planning and Research he was able to launch the 1st Division Research Conference in the Schools Division of Calbayog City and he was able to releas the 1st Division Research Conference (DRC) which is a collection of Research Abstracts. He was even one of the Eastern Visayas (Region VIII) 2016 1st Cycle recipients of the nationally funded research via Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) with his research entitled: “MOOE Utilization in the Schools Division of Calbayog City”.

After a remarkable year of being a Senior Education Program Specialist for Planning and Research, teacher Milaner was promoted as a Secondary School Principal in Oquendo National High School and in that few months of service as a principal, he already had International Accomplishments wherein he became a Parallel Session Speaker in the 9th International Conference on Teacher Education with the theme “Teacher Agency and Educational Reform: Articulations, Conditions, Possibilities” on September 1-3, 2016, GT Toyota, Asian Center, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. He was also the Parallel Session Speaker qualifier for APCORE International Conference with the theme “Multidisciplinary Research Exploration: Expanding Possibilities” on September 20-23, 2016, DusitThani I Pattaya, Thailand.

Determination is something that makes your life successful. Without it, you will not have the drive to achieve great things or make yourself better. His journey continues and doors will open for a better tomorrow for this man, this man who has always been determined, and this man who taught us to never ever give up.