DepEd–NEU holds 10th National Congress

The Department of Education – National Employees Union (DepEd – NEU) held its 10th National Congress and Seminar – Workshop at the Summer Capital of the Philippines – Baguio City on November 8 – 11, 2016 with the theme, “Integrity, Transparency and Accountability: Prerequisites to Good Governance and Quality Education Services under the New Administration.” The Regional Office Proper (ROP) Chapter President, Mr. Crisologo L. Singson, Chief Administrative Officer and Vice – President, Mr. Armando P. Gumapon, Supervising Administrative Officer attended the said convergence.
Several relevant topics were discussed during the said congress and several plans, proposals and resolutions presented to the plenary for deliberations and adoption for the members, foremost of which is the Report on the Status of Negotiations for the 2016 – 2019 Collective Negotiation Agreement.
It can be noted that the present CNA expired on November, 2016 so the DepEd – NEU would have to renegotiate with the DepEd Management the 2016 – 2019 CNA.
Another important issue tackled on that congress is the cleansing of the roster of membership of the DepEd – NEU and the campaign for the 100 percent membership of all rank and file non – teaching employees to the DepEd – NEU for their welfare and protection. But the issue that received the loudest applause was the giving of the 2015 CNA incentive.
The Union officers thru its National President, Atty. Domingo B. Alidon told the attendees of that congress that the DepEd Management requested the Accountants/ Budget Officers of all Regional and Division Offices nationwide to send immediately to the DepEd – Central Office the Certification of Savings so that the DepEd Management and DepEd – NEU would be able to come up with the correct amount for the CNA incentive of all DepEd – NEU members.
It can be recalled that the 2014 CNA incentive with the amount of P5,700 was already received by the DepEd – NEU members and the rank and file non – teaching employees of DepEd. However, for the non – members of the DepEd – NEU, an amount of P700 was deducted as service fee.