Success Noted!

RO-7 team and its stakeholders once again assembled for the 2nd Harvest of Excellence Ceremony pronouncing the best practices of its employees, its division offices, and its partners for change and success with the theme: “Education is the Passport to Change: Celebrating Success” on December 5, 2016 at the Marcelo Fernan Press Center. Showcasing the formula for success and the overall performance of DepEd-RO7 for 2016, a video presentation was also presented. This time, cultural performances from the students of different schools in the region graced the event.
Dr. Briones (President and Program Manager of Rotary Club International District 3860) in his acceptance speech expressed that the Department of Education, its people and all concerned stakeholders are the responsible souls for the learning Filipino children. While it is embedded in the agency’s core mandate for public service, it has continued to serve its clients with some of the programs of Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) enumerated by Mr. Quintin Atienza, II (Senior Program Officer of the Development Section Australian Embassy in the Philippines) also in his appreciation speech during the ceremony. He further recognized the aged relationship of DepEd and BEST all for the expounded opportunities for the educational system of the Philippines.
Veterans of Region 7 were also given recognition in serving the agency for more than 30 years. Mr. Delfin Serban, who has never incurred tardy for the calendar year of 2016, was awarded as the ‘Best Employee’ in DepEd-RO7. The said event casted footprints on the milestones of DepEd-RO7; hence, they are worthy to be noted.