July 7, 2008 DO 54, s. 2008 – Reiterating the Policy on Double Shifting of Classes and Requiring Strict Compliance Thereto

July 7, 2008
DO 54, s. 2008
Reiterating the Policy on Double Shifting of Classes and Requiring Strict Compliance Thereto

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries Bureau/Center/Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Head, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned

  1. As early as December 2004, the policy on double shifting of classes was promulgated as a means of addressing the classroom shortage and reducing class sizes. Attached is a copy of DepEd Order No. 62, s. 2004.
  2. It has been observed however that, up to this time, only a very small percentage of schools are complying with this policy. As a consequence many schools request for the construction of additional schoolbuildings since classroom shortages are computed on the basis of a single shift use of classrooms.
  3. In view thereof, all field offices and schools are hereby reminded to strictly comply with the double shift policy, to the extent practicable, and with the provisions of the aforecited DepEd Order.
  4. Henceforth all requests for additional classrooms should be supported by a certification that the school is already operating on a double shift basis. If double shift is not feasible, this should be properly explained. Moreover, the computation of classroom shortages at the national, regional, division and school levels should be based on the double shift policy.
  5. In calamity affected areas where schoolbuildings have been damaged, double shifting of classes should be resorted to as a means of resuming regular classes as early as possible even with fewer available classrooms. This practice should not just be a temporary measure but should be mainstreamed even as damaged classrooms are repaired.
  6. A report on compliance with the double shift policy shall be submitted by every school through their respective division and regional offices not later than July 31, 2008. Any school that is not operating on double shift shall explain in detail the justification for its current practice. Reasons could include any or a combination of the following:
    1. Existing classes and classrooms are adequate for a single shift operation.
    2. Lack of teachers for double shifting of classes
    3. Lack of electricity for classes that may extend to the evening
    4. Distance between residences of students and the school location
    5. Other factors or constraints that may be identified
  7. For immediate dissemination and strict compliance.

As stated
DepED Order: (No. 64, s. 2004)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
